The Highly succesfull entrepreneur spends his time between Yorkshire and his Somerset Home and Long Beach Southern California Home which he shares with his wife Vina Sky McDonald, 2 cats, 3 Dogs, 6 Horse, 3 Pigs, 4 sheep numerous birds and 3 very Angry geese .
From a very early age Jamie knew he wanted his own family business. Having left school after having no GCSE’s and learning his own root into the world of business with support from his Dad Mackie he studied at College passing to be a master craftsman an a Doctor of Media and went onto business college and at the age of 19, with very little capital he launched he’s own radio company and production company.
Dr D. Jamie Mcdonald 77MD PPQ SIR actively supports a number of environmental charities and initiatives including WWF, MAKE A WISH RNLI and loads more
TodayJamie strives to achieve a life that balanced between he’s business interests, the projects and causes he feels passionately about and spending time with he’s family, friends and animals.
His dream is to make sure that the business carry’s on in the family bloodlines and will make sure Yorkshire has the best company for media in the world and will not stop .

We are It's Only rock and roll But I like it 666-extreme-merchandisie-and-gothic-interior and ground coffee Shop Europe’s #1 for Music, Movie, TV, Gaming merchandise and Alternative clothing for over 30 years. From AC/DC t-shirts to Zelda hoodies, edgy fashion to entertaining Funko POP! figures, with a range of over 20,000 products!
Company Overview
666 are the largest mail-order and stall supplier of Rock, Metal, Entertainment Merch and Alternative Fashion in Europe. Established in 1986... and still Rockin'!
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We stock over 20,000 items: Rare CDs, Vinyls, Band Merch,Framed ads,Mini guitars , Alternative Clothing including out own exclusive brands and designs, Merch for Cult Movies and TV shows, Accessories, Gifts, everything and beyond. Check out are website,Facebook and stall updates
Retail company